For the last four-and-change years, I've never seen myself as anything but a working mom. I never had any real desire to stay at home with my two sons. Of course there have been moments of missing out that...
Phew! You just got things all figured out, lined up sitters, nannies and preschool (which is quite a feat), and now you've discovered your little bundle of joy has some special medical needs. What to do? Will your current...
Finding Nemo came out in 2003, when I was a 19 year old college freshman. Of course I was above the target age for the movie at that point, but because I'm a certified Disney fangirl, I went to see...
"Skill not mastered." Those were the words used to kindly tell me that my son isn't meeting the developmental milestones he should be at nearly 16-months old. His new daycare teacher had completed his 1-year evaluation and slipped it in...
March is Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month ... ...and this is one of the many, many faces. Let me give you the facts: cerebral palsy (CP) is basically a giant umbrella diagnosis. It means, as a rehab doctor explained to me, simply "brain...

Help Needed

Having twins is crazy, mesmerizing, beautiful and unexplainable. Also, overwhelmingly hard. You work constantly, as a mother, to make sure each individual boy knows how very unique and special he is. All the while knowing how many countless ways they...
Two short months ago, my baby received a Major Diagnosis (capital letters necessary). We took him to the hospital for croup. We brought him home with a diagnosis of left parietal encephalomalacia due to prenatal stroke, craniosynostosis, hemiplegia, hypertonia, and,...
To the Mothers of Children Who Can't Hear, Your newborn baby failed her hearing test. I want to find a way to hold your hand as your baby grows up, and whisper to you that she's OK, that you're OK, that your...
Last year, I approached a Special Olympics coach about the possibility of my girls participating in their swimming program. We were excited when the girls started Challenger swim, a program for children and young adults with special needs offered...
Today, March 21, is World Down Syndrome Day. This will be the ninth year officially recognizing three copies of the 21st chromosome.  The theme of this year's celebration is focused on health and well-being. Truth be told, it didn't...
(Note: The following tips are based only on my personal experiences; not all states and/or school districts operate in this way.) When you realize that your parenting journey is different than you imagined it would be, it can cause a...
“Do you think it’s weird that she doesn’t walk at this point?” I asked our pediatrician. “Some kids just walk late.” By the time my daughter was 18 months, she didn’t really talk much or understand. She wasn’t walking, either. But,...
Having children changed me in many of the same ways that motherhood has changed you; things which used to be a high priority (like a daily shower) seemed to find a lower priority level when parenting tasks took precedent....

Categorical Changes

(Note: This is the second post in our series dedicated to Prematurity Awareness Day; to read the other posts in this series, click here.) During our routine twenty-week sonogram with our first pregnancy, we learned that we were expecting twins. This revelation...

One Foot Forward

Nine years ago, when my husband and I first became parents, we thought the most complicated part of parenthood was going to be as parents of girls - twin girls. I grew up with four brothers and Chris, my...



Your Guide To KC

Guide to Indoor Play in Kansas City

Whether it's snow, rain or just way too hot, moms need indoor play options in Kansas City all year long. Luckily, there are plenty...

Kansas City Summer Guide

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