  I left my four year old son for six nights last spring. It was the longest we’d ever been apart, and as much as I needed the getaway for adult reasons, it sure was going to test my mama...
Picture in your mind the most elegant restaurant you have ever been to. Picture the beautifully folded cloth napkins, the pristine linen table cloth, the smell of the real candles that burn low to add to the ambiance. Imagine...
From the moment we were told we were having a girl, I started dreaming of tutus and tap shoes. So when Madeline turned two, and had already been dancing around the house from the moment she could walk, I...

The Pacifier War

When I pitched this post idea, I was hoping that by the time it was written, we’d already be over the pacifier problem. Yet, here we are … in the throes of addiction. My daughter’s pacifier relationship began on...
"I don't want to watch this anymore." I said it horsely as tears welled up in my eyes. My husband quickly turned off the Netflix show that we were watching--GLOW. We were only a few episodes in and while the...
Starting at 1:08 p.m. on August 21, parts of the Kansas City metro area will witness a unique astronomical event, the likes of which we won't see again until 2205: a total solar eclipse. Parents, teachers and local businesses...
Summer is winding down, and the stores are full of crayons, glue sticks, and pencils. My second grader is grabbing the school list and checking it twice. My preschoolers can’t read a calendar, but they feel something in the...
I was a stay-at-home mom for seven years (not counting the 14 months in the middle I was away from home to deploy overseas), and I loved every minute of it. I’m an introvert by nature and I was...
I stood there in shock and disbelief. A woman I didn’t know, a stranger, was standing in the middle of the store, telling me I was a bad mother. I was four weeks postpartum. My toddler was whining because I...
The beach is my happy place. The sand, the beauty of the ocean meeting the sky in the horizon, the smell of salty air, it makes me giddy just thinking about it. Each year, my husband and I meticulously...
There are people who have mixed feelings about chiropractic, and others who may even scoff at the idea, but the truth is I've seen a lot of people benefit from it, including myself. And in my experience, the trick...
About a year ago we made the leap and cut cable and switched to streaming only services for our TV viewing. While we had been tempted for quite some time, we weren't willing to make that change until Fox...
A Wichita road trip was really never on our radar. But man, we were missing out! Wichita is just under three hours and fit everything on our checklist for an easy, fun summer weekend. Must-see Wichita attractions Botanica – The Wichita...
It was one of those brilliantly sunny evenings when we were all outside, the kids were playing together and my husband and I were able to simply sit at the patio table and watch them. That doesn’t happen very...
I spent years trading hamburgers for veggie patties, a “morally-conscious” food consumer who sought organic, natural ingredients whenever possible. Growing up in the city, I didn’t really understand how our food was grown. That is, until I left and...



Your Guide To KC

Guide to Indoor Play in Kansas City

Whether it's snow, rain or just way too hot, moms need indoor play options in Kansas City all year long. Luckily, there are plenty...

Kansas City Summer Guide

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