I spent years trading hamburgers for veggie patties, a “morally-conscious” food consumer who sought organic, natural ingredients whenever possible. Growing up in the city, I didn’t really understand how our food was grown. That is, until I left and...
  If exploring nature is something you enjoy and want your kids to enjoy as well, then grab your sunscreen and bug spray, this post is for you! Here's a list of groups, programs, parks, and nature centers in the...
"Motherhood is exactly what I expected it to be," said no one, ever. When I had my son Jona, I fully expected to be able to breastfeed him, for at least a year. Well, I didn't even last six...
Recently, a local news station produced a story with the following headline: "Both the Missouri and Kansas foster care systems are overwhelmed right now."  I didn't watch the segment or read the story, shared numerous times on social media by...
My not-so-little five and a half year old boy has snuck into our bed. He curls up on my left side. He snuggles in, right next to me, like he always has. And I instinctively move over toward my...
We all can agree that making new friends is hard and scary, but making them as a socially awkward, hot mess moms is even more of a set back. Sometimes it causes so much fear that going through this...
Summer is (almost) here and carnies are descending upon Kansas and Missouri like ants to a picnic. If you’re like me, you know the main motivation of hauling your children to one of these is to wear them out...

The Seven Year Itch?

My husband and I recently celebrated seven years of marriage. Of course we've been together longer than that, but passing the seven year mark of being lawfully wed seems somewhat significant. I think it's that old "seven year itch" phrase...
Summertime is here. And that means we must tackle swimsuit shopping; a most daunting and arduous task. There are very few women I know – especially who have birthed children – who look forward to this annual endeavor. And...
When I found out that I was expecting my first baby, I promptly logged on to Amazon and bought all of my favorite childhood books. When I found out that I was expecting my second baby, I promptly logged on...
Talking about laundry doesn’t usually get me very excited… in fact, I’d rather talk about most anything else. Can I confess something? Lately I’ve kinda been wishing people would bring up laundry in everyday conversation.  Something’s wrong with me. Maybe...
We’re nearing the end of this pregnancy, and I’ve been gathering the things I’ll need to pack when it’s go time. I should probably have them already packed and ready to go but I’m a procrastinator so I’m sure...

Stuck in Neverland

I saved the tears for the car. In the back of the library parking lot, I banged my head on the steering wheel. We were never going to make it through a story time. She was never going to...
I used to make fun of people who thought preschool graduation was a thing. I mean, what's the big deal? The era of being babysat while playing all day long is over. And that deserves a ceremony? Well, after having...

Not in My House

One of my colleagues stopped me other day to tell me about his experience watching his daughter play soccer. He kind of laughed as he first explained that his daughter was a defensive player, and at one point in...



Your Guide To KC

Guide to Indoor Play in Kansas City

Whether it's snow, rain or just way too hot, moms need indoor play options in Kansas City all year long. Luckily, there are plenty...

Kansas City Summer Guide

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