We’ve all heard at least one old wives’ tale about how to get pregnant. Elevate your hips for 20 minutes after intercourse, maintain a certain position during intercourse, use a lubricant to help the sperm swim faster. The list...
As the holidays approach and the busy family travel season is upon us, it is once again time to start preparing our airplane apology letters. As is tradition these days (at least since 2014), we write a  from our children's...

Pregnancy After Infertility

I don't even know what made me take a pregnancy test that day. The only time I'd ever seen two pink lines was after my fertility specialist confirmed our IVF pregnancies with blood work. I would run home after...
Dr. Jean Pallotto is a neonatologist who delivers and treats babies in a variety of high-risk situations. She is the Medical Director of the Children’s Mercy Intensive Care Nursery and also serves as a professor of pediatrics at the...
It's here! Kansas City Moms Blog is proud to present the 2016 edition of shopKC. We are thrilled to bring you holiday gift ideas from some of Kansas City's finest small businesses. From clothing to food, ways to improve your...
Unless you live in a cave somewhere, you've likely heard of the Broadway sensation, Hamilton. (If not, go listen to the soundtrack, like, now.) I commute with my kids every day, and we listen to it almost every day...
It didn't take my stepson long to realize the benefits of having two "moms" to plan his birthday parties. Months (sometimes years) before his birthday, he tries out themes and comes up with two, one for each house. Since...
I’ll never forget the scene that was unfolding before me. I had been slowly making my way toward the stoplight at 135th and Murlen in Olathe. Traffic had been backed up for a while, the reason becoming more apparent...
I’m just going to be honest - I don’t want to write this post. So much that I’ve been procrastinating on my procrastination. But in an effort to encourage vulnerability, I feel it’s important to share a little bit of my story with...
Quarter for a cart. Small store footprint. Bring your own bags. Food stacked in cardboard boxes. Until this year, they didn’t take credit cards *gasp*! Where are you? If you guessed Aldi – you are correct! The five things that...

Here and There

Now that I'm four years into parenting and two kids deep, I have fully accepted #momlife. The first stage being survival (do whatever it takes to get that baby to sleep) followed quickly by denial (nope, this can not be...
I have three kids. For anyone who has three kids, you know it is a battle of sorts to go, well, anywhere. You know that going to the store is never just a quick errand.   So let me walk you...
There are the things you just don’t talk about. As a second grader, my dad dumped my freshly purchased school supplies onto the concrete in the Kmart parking lot, sorting the piles according to true necessity. The colorful 24-pack of...
We are days away from one of the most heated elections in our lifetimes. I am sure I am not the only one that feels so over all of the ridiculous debating, drama, and nonsense we have witnessed this year...
We have made two trips to family court in the last four years, and not for what most people would assume. We weren’t getting a divorce, we weren’t fighting for custody over our children, and we weren’t there regarding...



Your Guide To KC

Guide to Indoor Play in Kansas City

Whether it's snow, rain or just way too hot, moms need indoor play options in Kansas City all year long. Luckily, there are plenty...

Kansas City Summer Guide

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