It's no secret that it takes a village to raise a child. It's not only necessary for your survival as a mother, but it means having comrades that understand you. Fellow moms know the good, bad and ugly of...
  I love a fresh start. The newly opened crayons at the beginning of the school year. The carefully vacuumed carpet in a new home. The hip new hairdo after chopping off lifeless locks. Fresh starts feel good. They carry with them the...
This post is sponsored by Associated Plastic Surgeons, a team of board-certified plastic surgeons in Leawood, Kan. Does it make sense for active women to get breast implants? Not just bodybuilders and marathon fanatics, but regular women who simply enjoy running, playing...
I've never been one to have a perfect house. In fact, more often than not my house used to be crazy. As moms we all face the constant threat of clutter. There are always little minions going behind us, poised...
2015 was a great year for Kansas City Moms Blog! Our readers connected with our team of moms like never before - both through our online content and with more than 1,000 area moms through our KCMB Neighborhood Mom Groups. We ended...
I love those mommy moments where you look at your baby (no matter the age) and suddenly, time slows to a crawl. The rest of the world fades away and the smallest of details start to sharpen and stand...
Though you might be focused on baking, last-minute decorating and snuggling down for the annual viewing of Love Actually, don't forget to make your plans to ring in 2016! Along with The Urgency Room and Prairiefire, Kansas City Moms...
Planning a Babymoon

Planning a Babymoon

There are so many new trends surrounding pregnancy, births and entering the world of motherhood. As if becoming a mother isn’t stressful enough, Pinterest-perfect gender reveal parties and expensive push presents can make keeping up with the Kardashian’s feel...
Christmas is right around the corner — which means I’m not only in the throes of last-minute shopping and nightly retrieving nativity pieces from their "journeys" around the house, but I'm also preparing to strap our tiny people (a...
Dear Husband, It has been one year since our son was born. High five! We all somehow survived our first year of parenting. And I have one important message for you: I still like you. I forgave you for yelling "Holy cow!...
Though it's a place no mother hopes to be with her child, it's comforting to know Kansas City's Children's Mercy Hospital can take care of your family in its most vulnerable moments. Several members of our KCMB team can attest to the...
Nothing says, "I care about you," quite like spending a few extra minutes wrapping a gift. Most of us are struggling to find a few extra minutes, though, in the festive-filled holiday rush. Lucky for us, it doesn't take long to...
Breakfast Around the Tree

Breakfast Around the Tree

Do you the remember holidays when you were a child? What is it that you remember, is it presents? A specific toy that you pined for? Something your parents paid a mint and battled crowds for? If you and...
A few years ago, I was gathering my kids up after summer day camp, wrangling backpacks full to the brim with wet swimsuits and towels. My daughter was attending a local program that took place at a theater in...
Disclosure: This post and giveaway is sponsored by Kansas Athletics; however, all opinions are those of the author. We hopped in our van, as a family, on a Wednesday night and chased the gorgeous fading Kansas sunset, all the way...



Your Guide To KC

Guide to Indoor Play in Kansas City

Whether it's snow, rain or just way too hot, moms need indoor play options in Kansas City all year long. Luckily, there are plenty...

Kansas City Summer Guide

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