
Potty Pressure

I have no idea what I’m doing.  Google says the average boy is potty trained by 39 months. That makes us officially one month behind. And counting. We’ve got a long way to go.  I guess I screwed up the first part. We...
All I'm trying to do is enjoy my life. Get through the day with the least amount of discomfort as possible.  Sure, I know they'll make me get dressed, bathed, and eat. And these things are necessary... I guess....
I’ve heard a lot about this stage. The dreaded three-year-old. This past month, we’ve officially hit it. To be clear, William isn’t three-years-old yet. That happens later this month. But the attitude has arrived. Big time. And I am not...

Finding Your Ms. Phyllis

The thought of finding a place and people to care for your child while you go to work all day is one that no mother looks forward to. And because finding reliable, safe and affordable care for an infant...
As a mom, I’m always looking for opportunities to help my daughter grow and learn. When I was still pregnant with Madeline, I read article upon article about the various ways to help nurture development and a love of...
Recently, it was that time of year again when everyone wanted to know what my kids would be dressing as for Halloween. Let's start with my son. Aside from a two-day period of telling me he wanted to be...
Lately, I'm convinced my three-year-old is conducting an experiment to see how little a preschooler can eat and actually survive. We recently had a four-day weekend, and by day four I couldn't even remember the last full meal she had...

The Pacifier War

When I pitched this post idea, I was hoping that by the time it was written, we’d already be over the pacifier problem. Yet, here we are … in the throes of addiction. My daughter’s pacifier relationship began on...
One of my sons, has Celiac Disease, he has extreme reactions to small amounts of gluten (found in many grains like wheat, rye, and barley and processed foods). He has another food allergy, too. Bonus: he's 2 years old, so...
There have been countless times in my three years of mom-hood that I've felt completely under qualified for this position. Yet never have I thrown my hands up and said "I totally suck at this" as often as I...
You may have already heard of the "Property Laws of Toddlers." We learn life's parenting lessons one Cheerio/Lego/SOCK/day at a time. It started so innocently as the new year rolled in and we carefully chose our "words for 2017" to be Abundance...
My biggest tip for transitioning from a crib to a “big kid bed”--don’t do it! No, I’m kidding. But really, this was not an easy transition for us, so I wanted to share a few things I’ve learned along...
Sleep.  Since we first bought him home from the hospital, sleep has been our greatest challenge as parents. Three years in, and in the midst of transitioning to a toddler bed, and little has changed. If the NSA is snooping...
My son is almost 3, and I have never cut his hair. This is not for religious reasons. We are not Sikh. Although the Sikh’s belief that allowing one’s hair to grow naturally is a symbol of respect for...
You say jerk; I say toddler

You Say Jerk; I Say Toddler

Toddlers are a species all their own. They’re tiny humans with big opinions and even bigger attitudes. Many of them aren’t even housebroken. Though jerkish by nature, toddlers can flip on a dime and become sweet little cherubs who...



Your Guide To KC

Kansas City Summer Camp Guide

Registrations are open for Kansas City summer camps and activities are filling up fast! Check out some of our favorite Kansas City summer camps...

Kansas City Summer Guide

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