I’m an avid reader, and it’s extremely important to me that my children grow up to value books and reading as well. I have tried to nurture a love for reading in my son Jona since he was a...
Pool passes, swim lessons, summer camps, and team baseball: these are the quintessential children’s activities of summer! Unfortunately, it can take a few years for kids to really grow into those activities. So how does a mom pass these...
Hi, I’m Amber, and I’m an overprotective mom. I come by it naturally. My own mother has done home daycare for 30 years and plays by the ultimate safety rule books. So when I had Oliver, I followed suit....
Road trips with infants are my worst nightmare. I begin stressing out about them weeks before the actual event ever happens. There is just something about being trapped in a car with a tiny ticking time bomb that makes...
As my oldest approached her 2nd birthday, I started dreading the day that we'd have to take her precious pacifier away. I was due with #2 just a couple of months later, and we worried about the binky swapping...
File this under things I said I'd never do, but then did. It's a growing list, my friends. In my earlier, kid-free life, I thought these kid leashes were somewhere in-between horrible and hilarious. Maybe both. I was pretty sure I'd...
A few weeks ago at school pick-up, my son's teacher remarked that he was showing signs of potty training. I should have been ecstatic. Instead, I responded: "Oh." My toddler has turned the corner between 2.5 and 3, so it's not like the...
Terrible Twos. What a gross exaggeration, much like "sleep like a baby." Those responsible for coining the phrases were either delusional or drunk. Babies do not sleep, at least mine do not. And the twos are not all that terrible. They...
Moving with two toddlers is no picnic. Scratch that, it’s lots of picnics, on paper plates, with plastic silverware, in kitchens walled by boxes. We relocated to Kansas to raise our kids closer to extended family. Thank goodness we have wonderful family...
Toddlers are exhausting. They are sweet, funny, adventurous, quirky and surprising. But they are also constant, moving, needing, questioning… exhausting. Mommies do a lot more giving than receiving, and at the end of the day, our tanks (both physical...
Hiking with Toddlers

Hiking with Toddlers

Hiking with toddlers is a bit like introducing new vegetables. You know it's good for them in the long term, but the short term can be painful for all involved. Here's what I've learned about why, how and what you...
Fact: I love my diaper bag. Go ahead and add that to the list of things I never thought I'd say before I had kids. But really, with my trusty bag of tricks by my side, I am prepared for...
Did you have a Blankie? If you didn’t, I would bet that you know someone who did. I’ll bet that you not only know someone who had one, I’ll bet you know someone who really loved their Blankie. Someone...
One of the most common sleep complaints I hear from parents pertains to their baby’s catnaps. "He wakes up at 30 minutes on the dot, I could set my watch by it." "How can I get anything done in...
Around age two, many children start to have periods of nap regression. In fact, I went through one with my toddler just last week. It is indeed very frustrating when your norm changes so suddenly. For the past two years, I have...



Your Guide To KC

Kansas City Summer Camp Guide

Registrations are open for Kansas City summer camps and activities are filling up fast! Check out some of our favorite Kansas City summer camps...

Kansas City Summer Guide

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