I have Crohn's disease. It's an irritable bowel disease. It's categorized as an invisible disease. But I feel its presence every single day, for both the good and bad. My Crohn's disease affects my guts and a lot of other...
There are the things you just don’t talk about. As a second grader, my dad dumped my freshly purchased school supplies onto the concrete in the Kmart parking lot, sorting the piles according to true necessity. The colorful 24-pack of...
What I’m about to share with you is deeply personal and from my own experience, not professional advice from a doctor. I am a firm believer that each mom needs to be her own advocate for what she feels...
Adulting. It's not particularly fun and exciting, but it's important. As a mom you probably spend a lot of time managing your family calendar and making sure your kids get in for their yearly well checks, vaccinations, dental appointments...
As new mothers, the shape and condition of our postpartum body should be about 112th on the list of concerns. We have enough to worry about and figure out, right? But it always inevitably happens. In our body- shaming...
Do you remember the ice bucket challenge? I do. That was about the only thing I remembered in regards to ALS, until winter 2015. ALS, also called Lou Gehrig's disease, is a nervous system disease that ultimately weakens the muscles and impacts, eventually...
How to Run With Your Baby

How to Run With Your Baby

Ah, Fall. When the promise of colorful foliage views and crisp cool temps beckons me to lace up my Asics and hit the pavement. There is nothing quite like the solitude of running in the early morning hours of the...
I did Weight Watchers for six years before my toddler son Jonah was diagnosed with cancer. I lost 30 pounds, I wasn’t fat, but I didn’t look like Blake Lively so I didn’t believe it. On Weight Watchers, I...
Life got a little crazy a couple months ago, and I ended up with an ulcer. I have a high pain tolerance, but I couldn’t tough this one out. Luckily, I was feeling better in a couple days with...
I’m not typically a person that has body issues. I look in the mirror and see myself, it’s not always that pretty, but it’s me, and I’m OK with that. As a young girl and a teenager, my mother did...
The baby is teething. The toddler is exercising his independence with dashes through parking lots and going forward down the stairs. The preschooler is having meltdowns at little things. Every little thing. The husband just finished his fourth week of weekday travel. Four...
“This too shall pass.” “It gets easier.” “The fog will lift.” “You have your hands full!” We’ve all heard these statements from friends, family or well-meaning bystanders as we tiredly rock a crying baby or try to race through the grocery store before...
Depression. It seems like it is everywhere and yet no one is willing to talk about it. It isn't just feeling sad. It's feeling utterly hopeless. It's having a fantastic day and not being able to enjoy a single...
Crunchy, adjective - Having a healthy diet and way of living; natural; earthy My journey down the “crunchy” rabbit hole started with a set of plastic spoons given to me at a baby shower. Everything else I received that day, from pacifiers to sippy cups, proudly boasted “BPA Free”...
Last year I got a message from a family member a couple weeks before our son’s terrifying stem cell transplant. Our sweet Jonah, age 3, had been in treatment for stage four Neuroblastoma, and this was the next step. She told...



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Kansas City Summer Camp Guide

Registrations are open for Kansas City summer camps and activities are filling up fast! Check out some of our favorite Kansas City summer camps...

Kansas City Summer Guide

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