
The Dreaded First Workout

Six and a half weeks after my new baby girl was born, I walked into a new gym I had been looking forward to trying for some time. I hurried my two boys into the child watch room while...
This is me on my wedding day, June 12th, 2010. I had worked hard for months to be in the best shape of my life; my dress, hair, and makeup were perfect, and the look on my husband's face when...
I cried so many tears the day my son had his first bottle of formula. What did I do wrong? Why isn't this working? If breast is best ... my son is ruined! These were the crazy thoughts going...
Breastfeeding. People have really, REALLY strong opinions about breastfeeding. Really  strong. I am not one of those people. I fully believe in a mother's right to choose what works best for her, her baby and the rest of her family. I...

Holy Yoga

I remember the first time I heard the phrase "Holy Yoga." I had no idea what to expect. My only thought was that it seemed like a weird, oxymoronic phrase - I mean, isn't yoga kind of spiritual, anyway?...
As a mom of three girls, 11, 9 and 6, I think a lot about parenting mindfully on a finite planet. I think about what we engage in and what it conveys to my girls about the earth’s resources....

Losing It

Pregnancy physically changes a mother's body: changes that are beautiful, but in my experience, hard to embrace when you already struggle with your frame. I once received a comment from a young woman before she entered motherhood, afraid of what pregnancy would do...
I used to joke that I wished I could have my pap smear more than once a year because I missed my midwife. After going through a pregnancy, a dramatic delivery experience and then a miscarriage, I'm pretty sure I...
Having children changed me in many of the same ways that motherhood has changed you; things which used to be a high priority (like a daily shower) seemed to find a lower priority level when parenting tasks took precedent....
I have good intentions - I really do. I love the idea of making the cute little Bento lunch boxes for my son to dive into during lunch time. I have visions of these adorable and colorful bites he...

Work those ABs!

Abs! To do - or not to do - while pregnant? There is a big misconception out there that you shouldn't work your abdominal muscles while pregnant. While it is true that in your second and third trimester you...

Sanity in Sickness

I'm pretty sure that somewhere in the certainties of life, the fact that you have children also means that you will experience sick children. Some years will be better than others; during those years, count your blessings. (To be...
Another New Year's Eve has come and gone and the barrage of articles, TV segments, and commercials have begun to wear me out and wear on my nerves.  Most of them are centered on the idea of a new...

A Fear of Failure

I'll be honest, the start of a new year always frustrates me. Social media is full of people making resolutions, making budgets, making menus ... making plans. However, January usually finds me in a bit of a slump. The...
The holidays. Ironically, a season created to slow down and enjoy loved ones has become (in our culture, at least) a season of parties, food, full schedules, and weird family dynamics - all things that I love ... but...



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Kansas City Summer Camp Guide

Registrations are open for Kansas City summer camps and activities are filling up fast! Check out some of our favorite Kansas City summer camps...

Kansas City Summer Guide

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