I have struggled with my relationship with food since I was very young, but I internalized the idea that eating disorders are a thin person problem and that people in larger bodies didn't have them. As I became older the...
I’ll never forget the day I was notified our first COVID-19 patient was being transferred to Research Medical Center. Many thoughts raced through my head for my co-workers and what we were about to face, for our community members...
Summer is waning, the masks are off, and Target is filling up with pencils and crayons and backpacks. As I think about my kids getting on a school bus at long last in a few weeks, I start to...
Let me tell you about the wonderful tool I use about one week out of every month — a menstrual cup! I have never felt freer. For some, this topic may be taboo or TMI, but let's face it, a...
woman on a beach at sunset

My Hot Mom Summer

Every summer for the past eight years has been about the kids. They should be about the kids after all. As their mom, my job is to protect, nurture, and care for them with my whole being. Who am...
It’s another Kansas City summer, and with temperatures blazing hot already, I am finding myself opting for minimal makeup and simple hairstyles that stay out of my face. My personal care routine has gotten simpler too, thanks to a...
It has been decades since the last time my mom washed and styled my hair. Yet, even after all this time, the nostalgic memories of Saturday wash day at the kitchen sink still sit at the surface of my...
I don’t know about you, but coming out of my pandemic cocoon has been hard. I recently went shopping to an actual store in preparation to finally attend an in-person event, and I’ll be honest — the experience caused so...
After growing up in Los Angeles and Orange County, California, and seeing an array of people from all different backgrounds and of all different looks, you would think I would be more accepting to my own natural look, but...
COVID-19 took a lot from all of us. For some, it took our loved ones. For others, it took our jobs. For still others, it took our work-life balance because we had to learn how to work from home...
Last Thursday morning was an unexpectedly emotional one for me. For the first time in 15 months, my 9-year-old Weston returned to the daycare that he’s gone to since he was 2. Just like every other Thursday since last September,...
I was 5 years old when I experienced my first panic attack. I didn’t have a word for it, but looking back, I know exactly what it was. From then on, I have experienced many, and they have ranged...
A local therapist caught my attention on social media with her body-positive, sex-positive, no-shame, quirky videos. Cassie Willnauer is a Licensed Professional Counselor working toward becoming a Sexologist. I recently interviewed her about sex, shame, and fulfillment During the pandemic,...
“Pandemic Teaching,” “Emergency Teaching,” “Survival Mode" — These are some of the ways we teachers have described teaching one full school year during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nine months ago, when my district let us know that we would be offering...
We can all agree that our children are the most important things in our lives. We would do anything for them, go full on mama bear to protect them. Cuts, scrapes, bruises—we bandage it all! We can solve almost...



Your Guide To KC

Memorial Day Weekend in Kansas City

Memorial Day weekend in Kansas City offers opportunities to celebrate the true reason for the holiday with family friendly events. For additional weekend activities,...
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