Dear Children, I’ve never really liked starting a letter with the words “I’m sorry.” It always seemed so packaged to me. Kind of like a gift you give just because someone says you should. A little empty. A little ankle-deep. And...
The first Christmas after my ex-husband and I separated was rough. We were navigating the very new waters of co-parenting and trying to figure out how we could both be with our boys on Christmas morning. Gift-giving for anyone...
As moms, we all can relate to family members bombarding us about what to get our kids for the holidays. This year, give them an answer you’ll both love. Instead of another toy, ask them to give the gift...
If you’re like most people, you wait until around now, a few days after Thanksgiving, to start planning and preparing your Christmas gift-giving. I guess you could say I’m not like most people. When you’re in the chocolate business, planning for...
Celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, #GivingTuesday kicks off a charitable holiday season when many focus their attention (and their resources) on organizations doing important work in their community. On this #GivingTuesday, Kansas City Moms Blog is excited to...
Celebrating the holidays with kids always seems to include lights, Santa, presents and trains. We are currently obsessed with trains! In our opinion, the ultimate holiday train experience is the Polar Express Train Ride in Branson, but there are...
I don’t know about you, but I love a good subscription box. I am not a huge fan of shopping, but I do love surprises and convenience so having a package show up at your door without having to...

Grief and Gratitude

I’m pretty sure there was a whoosh of glitter when the clock struck midnight on Halloween. The candy wrappers had barely settled before everything, everywhere was painted red and green. The holiday season is like that. Whoosh. Bang. Merry...
Picture this: your sister-in-law/nephew/neighbor/brother’s new girlfriend is vegetarian/vegan and they’re coming to your house for Thanksgiving. When it comes to making veg* versions of our favorite holiday meals, most people don’t even know where to begin. That’s okay! The...
It's here! Kansas City Moms Blog is proud to present the 2017 edition of shopKC. We are thrilled to bring you holiday gift ideas from some of Kansas City's finest small businesses. From clothing to food, ways to improve your...
Mother's Day is on the horizon, but perhaps your children and/or significant other have waited until the last minute to think about a gift. Luckily some of the best gifts you can give are not sold in a store!...
Pssst — did you know Mother’s Day is quietly approaching? Instead of racing over to Amazon two days before, why not consider shopping locally? Kansas City is FULL of local companies that produce unique and quality products. Here are some...
Have you ever thought back to your childhood and realized so many of your favorite, most vivid memories are brimming with simplicity? Life now can feel anything but simple, yet we often find ourselves longing for it (or for...
If there's one thing I've learned it's that mom friends are absolutely necessary for our sanity! Mom friends won't judge you for losing your mind after a long day of momming. Mom friends hang out with you in your sweatpants. Mom friends...
Valentine’s Day really sneaks up on us moms. It feels as if we are just getting settled from the mayhem of Christmas and all of a sudden this pesky little holiday appears out of nowhere demanding chocolates, class treats,...



Your Guide To KC

Kansas City Summer Camp Guide

Registrations are open for Kansas City summer camps and activities are filling up fast! Check out some of our favorite Kansas City summer camps...

Kansas City Summer Guide

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