I was born on the 29th of October. If you’re savvy in the math department, then you may have figured out that my birthday is exactly two days before Halloween. Now, living in the shadow of the greatest holiday...
I love Halloween. My kids and I can’t wait to cart the boxes of decorations out of storage and begin transforming our house. But, keeping the Halloween Spirit alive, pun intended, has gotten trickier as my girls get older....
Halloween season is almost here! Between the pounds of candy and elaborate costumes, this holiday can take a toll on your bank account. Don't let yourself be fooled into thinking you have to pay retail prices for your kids'...
Santa didn’t usually come to my house, nor did I have many Easter baskets in my childhood. I never thought I was missing out compared to my peers, because I had Chinese New Year and Mid-Autumn Festival. Growing up...
Partners, husbands, significant others: listen up, here’s your PSA regarding Mother’s Day gift giving.  You might be asking yourself what you could possibly do to honor the woman who has continued on the circle of life by carrying and painfully...
There is a lost art. It's called thank you note writing. And it's a problem. It's interesting to me that there is so much talk these days about gratitude yet the practice of thank you note writing seems to be...
We are excited to announce our new spring signature event - the Spring Family Egg Hunt at Paradise Park! This is not your typical egg hunt! Join us for a morning catered to your experience including: Spring themed crafts Kid...
It’s no secret that Valentine’s Day is the redheaded stepchild of celebrated holidays. It’s fueled by guilt that you must buy your mate chocolates and roses to prove your love. Stores thrive off of this expectation and provide rows...
We know, it's #December. So much to do. But, don’t forget to get the new year off to a great start with fun plans for welcoming 2019! We’ve got you covered with an event for the whole family, and you’ll...
The holidays are so much fun with kids! The family traditions, new toys, cousins playing, holiday parties, and more! It also means a change in routine, surroundings and potentially more dangers for the littlest members of the family.  The...
Good thing I didn't get into the business of occasional-freelance-voluntary blog writing to make friends, because what I'm about to say will not win over many hearts. Y’all, the Elf on the Shelf is not doing us any favors....
As much as I despise driving home from work in the dark, the Plaza lights are a welcome consolation. Visiting the Plaza and enjoying the spectacle is a tradition for all of us who call KC home, and a...
Tis the season for holiday shopping and Independence Center has everything you need! We are Eastern KC residents, so the mall is not far from us, but I must admit I've always done most of my Christmas shopping online....

Playing Pretend with Santa

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who believed in Santa. She grew up and married a boy who believed in the love and magic of Christmas. But not in Santa Claus. This was baffling. Was it possible...
Our family has our usual Kansas City traditions we do every single year - theater performances, light tours and our favorite holiday train features. But this year, we decided to switch things up now that our kids have a...



Your Guide To KC

Guide to Indoor Play in Kansas City

Whether it's snow, rain or just way too hot, moms need indoor play options in Kansas City all year long. Luckily, there are plenty...

Kansas City Summer Guide

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