Fall is here and the holidays are quickly approaching. Many will be hosting holiday celebrations, gathering with family and friends, and toasting to good health and happiness. If you are like my family and friends, we tend to stick...
There’s nothing better than throwing in the kitchen towel for the evening and taking the family out for a dinner at one of the many unforgettable restaurants in Kansas City. But after stuffing yourself and cramming a tower of...
This post is sponsored by Alta Vista Meat Co. Use the code KCMOMS10 for $10 off your first order. There were many things I was worried about before becoming a mom, but at the top of the list was feeding a...
Who still remembers Xanga and Myspace? These are the social media platforms that taught some of us how to express ourselves on a perfectly curated page, designed with the right song, aesthetic look, and profile picture to match it....
Let’s just get this out of the way right now, I am not a Gen Z person and have no business being on TikTok. I’m not even a Millennial… technically I fall right into that generation gap that no...
One Kansas City Mom Collective contributor moved into a new house. She needed help making their new space a home. Enter another Kansas City Mom Collective Contributor. Pamela: Queens uplift queens. We often used to say that on my old...
One thing I have not missed during the COVID-19 pandemic is having to manage my wardrobe choices for work and play. Now that life is starting to get back to normal, I found myself facing more occasions to wear...
This post is sponsored by Evergy. This is our first summer in our new home. This house is larger than our last one, and it’s already been a HOT, HOT Kansas City summer. I knew our energy bill would be...
It has been decades since the last time my mom washed and styled my hair. Yet, even after all this time, the nostalgic memories of Saturday wash day at the kitchen sink still sit at the surface of my...
This post is sponsored by Midwest Dairy. Our family recently had the opportunity to visit The Regnier Family Wonderscope Children's Museum. This wonderful space, which opened just last fall, combines fun and imaginative play with educational experiences for young...
This post is sponsored by Belfonte, a family-owned company, made in the heart of KC! Summer is for ice cream! On this first official week of summer, it feels like the perfect time to break out the ice cream and...
This post is sponsored by Boulevard Quirk and Fling Craft Cocktails. School is out, my flip-flops are on and a constant loop of “Summertime” by DJ Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince is running through my head. Summer has arrived,...
Over the past year, the KCMC team has tried a host of new products and services as we've navigated life through a pandemic. Today, we're sharing some of our mom-approved favorites that we think you might like, too. **...
Ever finished your shopping, headed to the register, and guessed what you’re about to spend? That’s me, every time. Honestly, before a group of my friends created a guessing game, I didn’t really know how much other people spent on...
Tacos are life. It’s the meal that keeps on giving if you can eat over a plate that has an open tortilla on it waiting to become... a new taco! Lebron James loves tacos and you should, too. Even...



Your Guide To KC

Guide to Indoor Play in Kansas City

Whether it's snow, rain or just way too hot, moms need indoor play options in Kansas City all year long. Luckily, there are plenty...

Kansas City Summer Guide

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