Do I Need the Insurance Plan the Water Company is Trying to Sell Me?

This post is sponsored by Flury-Hinderks Insurance.

If you are a homeowner, you’ve probably received a letter from your water company trying to sell you some sort of insurance to cover repair costs to your waterline. Inquiries regarding sewer and waterlines are some of the most common questions our agency receives. In this article, we’ll help you understand how to cover not just your waterlines, but your sewer lines and other utility lines for less money and with better coverage. 

What about my homeowner’s insurance, doesn’t it cover that sort of thing automatically?

The short answer is “no” not automatically. A broken sewer line or water line in your yard would not usually be covered under a standard homeowner’s policy without having a special endorsement added. Standard coverage is usually from the foundation walls inward and is not extended from the house to the property line or the street. Homeowners should at the very least be made aware of their options and what is and is not covered on their policy so they can make an educated decision on the coverage they need. 

Do I need this sort of coverage?

A broken sewer line in your yard can easily cost over $10,000 to excavate and repair. Given the expense of repairs, service line coverage is something our agency recommends to all of our customers. There are better ways however to get that coverage than the plan offered by the water company.

How do I obtain coverage for all my home’s service lines?

Most home insurance policies have some form of “Buried Utility Line Coverage” or “Service Line Coverage” available as options. It’s a special coverage item that is not usually included automatically. Coverage through your homeowner’s policy is superior to the plan offered by the water company since it covers all your utility lines including sewer, water, cable and not just water specifically. Coverage is usually far less expensive when obtained this way and the limits of coverage are usually higher. 


Working with families as their trusted insurance advisor is what we do every day. Connect with us for an insurance review and to see if Service Line Coverage is available for your home.

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