prom dress shopping

Gearing up for Prom

It's prom season in our house! My freshman and junior are beyond excited. This mommy is not as excited as I am sad to see my babies growing up. We have a few short weeks until the big day and...
Am I a terrible parent? A terrible person in general? Because I have decided, it is time to let my kids fail. Helicopter parent is defined as: A parent who takes an overprotective or excessive interest in the life of...
When I first signed my daughters up for sports, I went the traditional route of dance and gymnastics. My friends opted for soccer, baseball, basketball and volleyball with their kids. Kansas City has so many fantastic options for all of...
If you have a daughter, you know how that relationship between a mother and daughter can be very complex and occasionally difficult, especially when your daughter is a budding preteen dealing with not only physical but emotional changes. Sometimes...

A Run with My Son

I thought I had nailed parenting. My son and I laughed and played together great. Then he began to grow up. Slowly I realized that my way of playing was too tame for him. He didn’t want to...
We’ve entered tweendom, and it’s been much more hard than I expected. Much more hard on me than it is on you. And it’s only going to get harder. I accept it, I’m ready for it and I will hold you,...
Those adorable first baby sounds, the coos and babbles that we try so hard to make sound like real words are the beginning of a lifetime of communication ups-and-downs between parents and their kids.  From those first little words that...
Recently, my daughter and oldest child became a 12-year-old. Three days later my youngest child became a 7-year-old, so excuse the whiny tone of this post. I'm struggling to wrap my head around how it seems like in the...
Sadly teens and tweens are much more likely to die by suicide now than just five years ago.  What's going on? A KC mental health experts explains. Parents are especially concerned about suicide today, and for good reason. It has become...
teen on phone laying on dock summer

Only Four More Summers

In just a matter of a few days. I will be in the seventh layer of hell known as back to school. My family will sluggishly wake up and slowly go through the motions as I yell “hurry, we are...
Co-written with my clinical partner, Ben Taussig, LCPC, NCC. If talking about sex with our teens in general is just about enough to motivate us to buy a boat and raise them somewhere in the middle of the Pacific (I've...



Your Guide To KC

Guide to Indoor Play in Kansas City

Whether it's snow, rain or just way too hot, moms need indoor play options in Kansas City all year long. Luckily, there are plenty...

Kansas City Summer Guide

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