I've always loved planning and hosting parties, and themed parties bring an extra level of enjoyment. Last year I hosted a Valentine's Day party for the 2 and 3 year olds in one of my mom's groups. At that...
Along with our friends from Pinstripes, Prairiefire and The Urgency Room, Kansas City Moms Blog rang in the "noon year" with a BIG party! Representatives from The Urgency Room were on hand to welcome 400+ guests to our Noon Year's Eve celebration. As one of the...
  I love a fresh start. The newly opened crayons at the beginning of the school year. The carefully vacuumed carpet in a new home. The hip new hairdo after chopping off lifeless locks. Fresh starts feel good. They carry with them the...
I love those mommy moments where you look at your baby (no matter the age) and suddenly, time slows to a crawl. The rest of the world fades away and the smallest of details start to sharpen and stand...
Though you might be focused on baking, last-minute decorating and snuggling down for the annual viewing of Love Actually, don't forget to make your plans to ring in 2016! Along with The Urgency Room and Prairiefire, Kansas City Moms...
Christmas is right around the corner — which means I’m not only in the throes of last-minute shopping and nightly retrieving nativity pieces from their "journeys" around the house, but I'm also preparing to strap our tiny people (a...
Nothing says, "I care about you," quite like spending a few extra minutes wrapping a gift. Most of us are struggling to find a few extra minutes, though, in the festive-filled holiday rush. Lucky for us, it doesn't take long to...
Breakfast Around the Tree

Breakfast Around the Tree

Do you the remember holidays when you were a child? What is it that you remember, is it presents? A specific toy that you pined for? Something your parents paid a mint and battled crowds for? If you and...
My daughter is really into creating things right now (especially if there are scissors, paint and glue involved). I wanted to let her help me make some fun new ornaments for the tree this year. Since we already have...
It's mid-December. Stockings are hung, trees are trimmed, and lights are twinkling on houses and storefronts throughout the city. Christmas shopping is in full force, which for me, means that the UPS delivery guy and I are becoming quite close. (Seriously,...
I'm weirdly excited for the holiday season this year. My daughter is old enough to grasp the concept of Christmas and spending time together as a family. It still might be a little early but I like to think...
I have a few claims to fame in my circles. The first is, of course, I’m the birth and postpartum nerd. Not many things excite me more than seeing new guidelines come out from the American Congress of Obstetricians and...
Holiday shopping season is upon us, and if you are anything like me, you're probably already drowning in toys and groaning at the thought of bringing more into your home. So here are some options for the kids that already...
My children play a game with me. It's called the Santa Claus Game. In our home, Santa Claus is a game the parents play with the children, in which we pretend that there are magical beings like a big...
The Season of Gratitude

The Season of Gratitude

I turned 13 right before Christmas 1999. I was in seventh grade, and the most important thing in my world was fitting in with my friends at school. Which is why I had to have American Eagle clothing for Christmas....



Your Guide To KC

Guide to Indoor Play in Kansas City

Whether it's snow, rain or just way too hot, moms need indoor play options in Kansas City all year long. Luckily, there are plenty...

Kansas City Summer Guide

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