Toddlers are exhausting. They are sweet, funny, adventurous, quirky and surprising. But they are also constant, moving, needing, questioning… exhausting. Mommies do a lot more giving than receiving, and at the end of the day, our tanks (both physical...
I got tired of it. We quit screens almost a month ago. Well... not quite. I just plainly and simply got tired of the questions about when screen time would happen everyday and the moodiness when screens have to be...

Help Needed

Having twins is crazy, mesmerizing, beautiful and unexplainable. Also, overwhelmingly hard. You work constantly, as a mother, to make sure each individual boy knows how very unique and special he is. All the while knowing how many countless ways they...

Diary of a #girlmom

November 2014 We are getting ready to welcome our second daughter. Two girls. Sisters. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I'd have one girl, let alone two daughters to raise and hope they become well-rounded, strong, independent women. I...
I feel like I've tried it all, the journey of molding and steering my children's behavior a winding road of twisty turns and treacherous blind spots. I started out super positive, fully on-board the train of rewarding good behavior...
Trust Your Mom Gut

Trust Your Mom Gut

I had the rare and special experience of being pregnant at the same time as one of my coworkers. The biggest difference between this mama-to-be and myself was that I was a first-timer and she, with one son already...
When my elementary school aged kids were little, all the responsibility for their safety in our household fell to me.My childproofing skills were a.m.a.z.i.n.g.  I had the outlets covered. Check. I had the blind cords wrapped up. Check. I had the stovetop...
When I was in elementary school, at one point, we learned about personal space by using hula hoops. Imagine a class of rowdy third graders in a gym, all holding hula hoops, running around and going "Personal space!  Personal space!"...
As a teacher, the surprise ending of the children’s book First Day Jitters always brings a smile to my face. Amidst all the back to school mania – shopping for school clothes and shiny new school supplies, changes in...
I'm far from a perfect parent. But the days I get it right, I owe a lot to RIE. RIE (Resources for Infant Educarers, pronounced "wry") receives plenty of attention for discouraging sippy cups, jumperoos, and high chairs, all of which...
It’s 7:40 a.m. Like every week day, I put the car in reverse, back out of the daycare parking lot and begin my commute to work. I start the mental checklist in my head: milk, check. Diapers, check. Wipes, check....
Mothering in the Nighttime

Mothering in the Nighttime

Except for the repeated psst-whirr-mmm of the window air conditioner, all is still. My husband is sleeping soundly in the other room, unaware of my lumbering exit from bed. It’s 3 a.m., which means time for second dinner — or first...
Last spring, I picked up a new hobby: coloring. And no, it didn't involve stealing my daughter's coloring books! I ordered several coloring books geared toward adults and some fancy art pencils on Amazon and started spending a little time each...
When I was was in my early 20s, I used to worry extensively about whether or not I'd be able to have children one day. I had watched my older sister deal with issues stemming from fertility, and I...
A couple of days after hanging up the one and only behavior chart in our house, my son told me, "No sticker for you! Try again tomorrow." He was right; I hadn’t earned my sticker for the day. See, the behavior chart...



Your Guide To KC

Kansas City Summer Guide

There is so much going on during the summer months in Kansas City that you might have trouble choosing how to spend your days....
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